- Mar. 30th, 2009 at 7:24 PM
So let's talk about stupid network problems. Work today started with a switch failing. Naturally that took awhile to diagnose as some things worked and some things didn't. It's always fun when you have to start moving around to find the issue. Anyway, moved some cable to a different switch and managed to bypass what needed to be taken out of service.
So, after a weekend of playing the new game Anthem from Bioware on my PS4, I have a few thoughts.
I believe that this is Bioware's first forray into an MMORPG and it is apparent. If this is not their first time, I have no idea why they had as many issues as they have had.
A few observations:
That command you are always looking for to install held back packages is: apt-get dist-upgrade
You should really use Linux more often so you don't forget that.
To turn off the preview pane in Horde:
Go to the mail app and along the top click the down arrow on the "other" heading.
Choose "Hide Preview."
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